Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Something the Government Did Right?

My family and I just got back from a road trip to Las Vegas. If there is one thing you should know about me..it may be that I love to take a good road trip. Preferably without kids..but since I happen to like mine...they get to come along for most of them. Check out my wife's blog if you want all the highlights of our trip: http://www.tatro7.blogspot.com/. I instead wanted to give some well deserved shout outs to The Man. The Man in this case being the government. Now The Man usually screws most things up that it gets its hands into (Social Security comes to mind). On occassion however I must admit I find myself impressed with The Man. As we drove through the Rocky Mountains going 75 miles per hour...I said to myself on more than one occassion "The Interstate Highway System kicks some serious butt!" especially after returning home and reading the following article:


Now I am sure The Man has wasted an incredible amount of our money in the process, its part of The Man's nature to do so, but I am still impressed with this one accomplishment! Way to go Dwight D Eisenhower! I like where your head was at!

1 comment:

jrt said...

LOL............you are indeed "The man"

welcome back .........glad you had a good time !