Having just got done watching The Jane Austin Book Club, a movie my wife managed to sneak into our NetFlix line up with out my knowledge, chick flicks is the topic on my mind. While my favorite type of movie is an epic period piece preferably involving some sort of war, I have on rare occasion been known to indulge my wife and sit through a movie where the target audience most likely has significantly less back hair than I. On even more rare occasion I have even been known to enjoy a movie of this genre. A fact that I blame entirely on my father. While I do not want to go into too much detail as to why I blame my father, I fear it may be entirely too embarrassing for him, I do not feel it would be saying too much to admit on his behalf that he has been known to shed a tear or two during a movie. While off the top of my head I cannot remember a specific instance of it I know it happened...and if pressured can find eye witness accounts to support this claim. It seems that I too, albeit to a lesser degree than my cry baby father, have been known to at least derive some enjoyment out of the occasional chick flick. I thought I would list a few of the chick flicks I have actually enjoyed watching and I would be interested to hear from other men as to what chick flicks they have watched that they actually enjoyed. I am not terribly interested in hearing from the chicks out there on this subject matter but would welcome it if they chose to tell me about a movie that the man in their lives liked that would fit into this genre, especially if you think they may be embarrassed by you sharing it with me. I actually am not that terribly embarrassed to admit this small thing about myself...a fact I blame entirely on my father. Here is the beginning of my list. I will add to it as I think of them and will add yours to the list if I agree or at the very least can type it without laughing at you.
Fried Green Tomatoes
Pride and Prejudice ( Kiera Knightley version)
The Notebook (Also starring Kiera Knightley..a complete and utter coincidence)
Riding in Cars with BoysAbout a Boy
The Lake House
Sweetie, Keira Knightly was not in The Notebook. But good for you for calling out the slick ricks.
then no soup for The Notebook! I am banishing it from my list! Actually it can stay...that Marsden guy is in it...and I know how much you enjoy his "work" and it was still a decent movie...it was a period piece...and had a war in it!
Last night was the one-time a year event in which Aimee and I rented a movie. We had a two-for-one coupon (surprise) from Hollywood Video. I got National Treasure 2 and she got 27 dresses. Guess I'll be partaking of a chick flick tonight.
To the "only" person that gets away with calling me Gilly........I would concede that on occasion I have shed a tear or two after an epic(the last time .....it was a toothpaste commercial.....does that count !)
chick flick as you say.
Does "The Champ" qualify ?
I would also have to add Beaches
and What Dreams May Come.....Robin Williams
where did you get the pic..........what a handsome kid !!!
All I can say is... SLACKER!
The English Patient.
Four Weddings and a Funeral.
That is all I will disclose.
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